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Donate and buy preloved toys and you'll be supporting our not-for-profit community project to support families in need, reduce waste, reduce carbon footprints, run fun workshops and raise awareness of the environmental impacts of consumerism.
We love our kids, we love our planet, we love preloved!
How to save the planet one toy at a time:
Every purchase you make has an environmental impact
Reduce: Do you really need it....?Ditch consumerism! Less is More!
Repair: have you visited your local repair cafe?
Reuse: Buy secondhand!
Recycle: Anything that can't be upcycled can be recycled. Mixed materials including soft toys can be recycled via a specialist recycling streams
Secondhand is more sustainable than brand new...but best is doing without!
Decrease waste!
Decrease your carbon footprint!
Help to keep fossil fuels in the ground!
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